Pasts Lost: the Wye House Plantation As A Place of Haunting

Academic Papers

Frederick Douglass and Wye House: Archaeology and African American Culture in Maryland

Academic Papers

Reordering the Landscape: Science, Nature, and Spirituality At Wye House

Academic Papers

Fried Chicken Belongs To All of Us': the Zooarchaeology of Enslaved Foodways On the Long Green, Wye House (18ta314), Talbot County, Maryland

Academic Papers

Frederick Douglass and the Archaeology of Wye House

Academic Papers

The Colonial History of Wye Plantation, the Lloyd Family, and their Slaves On Maryland's Eastern Shore: Family, Property, and Power

Academic Papers

Wye House Archaeology

Academic Papers

A Model Planter: Edward Lloyd IV of Maryland, 1770-1796

Academic Papers

The Library of Edward Lloyd IV of Wye House

Academic Papers

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